PrEP user Survey
Study on PrEP use and PrEP users' needs
We thank you in advance for your interest in our study. You can participate by clicking the button on the right. On this page you can find more information on this study.
More information about participation
Why this study?
With this study we want to gain insights into the current PrEP use in Belgium. We also would like to get to know your preferences and needs with regard to PrEP care. In this way you help us in better understanding how PrEP care in Belgium can be improved. The results of this study will be of particular interest to caregivers, sexual health organisations and public health institutions that are currently involved in providing PrEP care.
What does it mean for me if I participate?
Should you decide to particiate to the study, we will ask for your engagement three times in 12 months. After completing the first questionnaire, you will receive a similar questionnaire after 6 and 12 months via email. In these questionnaires we will ask questions about your PrEP use, sexual behaviour and to which health care settings you have been for your PrEP follow-up, for example.
To be able to send you these online questionnaires, we will ask you for permission to use your email address and/or telephone number. Such personal contact information will only be used for these purposes and will not be linked to your answers in the questionnaire.
Should you not complete these questionnaires on time, we will send you up to 3 reminders via email. We can also contact you via telephone.
By participating to this study, you will have a chance of winning one of the 3 vouchers with a value of €100, after completing all 3 questionnaires. Winners will be randomly selected.
Voluntary participation and data handling
Participation to this study is completely voluntary, with respect to the privacy legislation. You can quit participation at any time. We will code all data at processing. In this way, we will ensure that you cannot be identified in any case based on your answers. We will store the data in a safe place, with access only granted to the researchers of this study. The data will be kept for at least 10 years. The results may be pulbished in scientific journals or other valorization channels.
For the execution of this research, we received a positive advice from the institutional review board of the Institute of tropical Medicine.
Thank you!
Thank you in advance for your participation!
The PROMISE Research team
Research Team: Ludwig Apers, Eric Florence, Marie Laga, Christiana Nöstlinger, Thijs Reyniers, Anke Rotsaert, Jef Vanhamel, Ella Van Landeghem, Bea Vuylsteke
Questions or remarks?
Should you have questions or remarks, you can always contact the researchers Thijs Reyniers ( or Anke Rotsaert (